
Hi, I’m Bri Taylor.

I’m a a young woman living in bucolic and law-abiding Switzerland, with a demanding job and a delightful husband, The Angry Chef, who puts up with me and doesn’t mind looking after the house while I’m running late for everything.

Before my husband and I take on the ultimate “grown-up” challenge and start a family, there are a few things I wanted to get out of the way first. Like writing an 80,000 word manuscript that doesn’t make me cringe, without costing me my job and my marriage.

This blog is where I talk about the story and the characters I’m working on, and about writing in general as a part-time occupation. Although sometimes I do get distracted and write about something completely different, like travel, our love of food and wine, my family’s somewhat unusual history (most of which I’m assured is true) and how much I miss my home country, Brazil. If you’re interested in any of that, please feel free to look around in the Silly Street category.

Let the typing begin.

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