Storm warning

The ghost of winters past

After a nice weekend (during which the weather unilaterally decided to go to hell in a hand basket), it was time to go back to work. We’re not snowed under yet, but according to the usually wrong Swiss weather predictions we’re expecting some snow this week. Possibly Thursday afternoon.

Now, before you start judging, I’ll point out that I actually enjoy living in Geneva. It’s a lovely city, it’s small, but with all the gastronomic resources a wildly varied international crowd expects

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This charming man

I’ve recently cut my hair short (very short), and I’m still coming to grips with it. It’s funny how a small gesture can have such a huge impact on the way you go about life.

I knew something was definitely changed when I was walking home last night. I was all in black, happily swinging my umbrella on the nook of my arm, when this charming man in a dark suit, ochre knit tie and family ring touched me on the shoulder. When I turned around to look at him, he said “I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.” Continue reading